
Irizar solutions to combat the virus on public transport

May 2020

The Irizar Group keeps accelerating its capacity for innovation with the goal of contributing to the reactivation of the public transport sector and promoting safe and sustainable collective mobility. It is not without need that they are providing solutions developed for buses and coaches to fulfil the safety and hygiene measures for preventing the spread of the virus on public transport.


Smart camera for access control

The access control camera is a smart system located at the vehicle’s entrance. Its goal is to keep passengers who show symptoms or who do not follow the Covid-19 protocols from boarding the vehicle. It is equipped with a body temperature sensor that measures the temperature of the passengers and signals when it is above 37º. And it also has artificial vision cameras that can be used to detect whether passengers are wearing masks. The complete process is done automatically and in real time.

When a passenger has a fever or is not wearing a mask the system will make a signal alerting them that they may not board the vehicle and the driver can act proactively without needing supervision to follow the established health protocol.

These cameras do not record the personal data of passengers in order to comply with privacy requirements.

The device provides the possibility to be integrated with the fleet manager provided by Irizar in its product catalogue for the purpose of doing monitoring and managing the recorded Covid-19 incidents quickly and easily.


Automatic vehicle disinfection without passengers on board

This consists of installing a fixed outlet on the vehicle that connects to an external device through a nozzle and, with a pneumatic nebulizer system, it can completely disinfect the vehicle through the air automatically without any passengers present in 30 minutes.

This technological solution, homologated by the Ministry of Health, can be controlled through industrial or programmable interfaces and it is activated from outside the vehicle with minimal handling and without requiring access to the cockpit.

The nebulizing process lasts between 15 and 30 minutes and requires a wait of 3 to 4 hours before the coach can be accessed.

Some of its specific characteristics that should be mentioned are its ease of use, wide versatility and adaptability to the needs of every vehicle.


Separation screens in the driver’s area and dividing panels in passenger seats

Irizar is providing operators with separation screens for drivers and easy to install dividing panels for seating to provide protection for both drivers and passengers.

Both solutions, designed for the Irizar model i3le, Irizar i4, Irizar i6 and Irizar i6S coaches, have been developed and manufactured with materials that meet the requirements of the laws in force regarding indirect vision (R. 46), interior fitting (R. 107), fire performance (R. 118) and energy absorption (R. 80).


Eco3 air purification

The Eco3 air purifier is a device that drastically decreases mould, bacteria, virus, volatile organic compounds, allergens, etc. and it prevents foul odours. Its functionality is based in generating negative ions and ozone in the appropriate proportions and increasing the concentration of oxygen to eliminate odours to maintain healthy levels and keep the air inside the vehicle from becoming contaminated.

It is installed in the return of the climate control system of any new or currently in use bus or coach regardless of the manufacturer. The turbines in the device are what distributes the ozone through the interior of the vehicle to contribute to disinfection.

In contrast to other cleaning and disinfection systems, Eco3 is designed to do its job with passengers on board and when the vehicle is moving. This solution has been widely tested on the market and its efficiency has been endorsed by SGS, a global leader in inspection, verification, testing and certification.

On the other hand, it should be noted that using the climate control systems installed on the buses and coaches also contribute to preventing the contagion of infections though bio-aerosols, because they have air renewal systems that guarantee a complete renewal of the air inside every 3 to 6 minutes. The air renewal can be increased if the renewal gates are kept completely open. With open nozzles, there is a vertical flow of air from above to below at a velocity that impedes cross contagion between passengers. And with the nozzles closed, the design of the nozzles generates a “bubble” or “canopy” effect around passengers that creates a barrier to bio-aerosols created around them.

At Irizar, we keep innovating and providing transport operators and health authorities solutions that guarantee they can meet the rules established and that provide safety to move forward into the future of sustainable collective mobility.

