Manpara separadora

Driver’s compartment partition panel, passenger seat protection panels and air purifier for minimising the risk of Covid-19 infection

May 2020

Irizar’s solution for minimising the risk of Covid-19 infection

At Irizar, we are committed to our clients and in response to the urgent need to minimise the risk of Covid 19 virus infection for both drivers and passengers, we have developed a driver’s compartment partition panel solution and specific passenger seat protection panels for the Irizar i6, Irizar i6S, Irizar i4 and Irizar i3 low entry coach models.

These solutions are developed and manufactured with materials that comply with the regulations of the current legislation regarding safety and driver’s vision.

Compliance with EU regulations

  • Regulation 107 Regarding interior fitting
  • Regulation 118 The behaviour of materials in fire
  • Regulation 46 Indirect vision systems
  • Regulation 80 Energy absorption

We will continue to innovate and provide our customers with new resources and solutions with the aim of protecting the driver and passengers and to encourage the use of public transport in this new scenario.

For more information

The Irizar solutions can be acquired through the normal supply network for Irizar Spares.

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