The Irizar brand

About Irizar

Stronger and younger than ever


Irizar is a business group with an international presence whose business is focussed on the passenger transport, electromobility, electronics, electric motors and generators, connectivity and energy sectors.
The Irizar Group is comprised of seven brands that have production operations in 13 plants spread across Spain, Morocco, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa in addition to its own R&D centre.

With a turnover exceeding 433 million euros a year (2020), our group enjoys a commercial presence in over 90 countries on five continents.


Founded in 1889, today, Irizar is a well-established Group made up of more than 2,850 people, with a commercial presence in the five continents. It is geographically and industrially diversified, continuously growing and firmly committed to the brand, technology and sustainability.
Irizar, S. Coop is the parent company of the conglomerate and its headquarters are located in Ormaiztegi (Gipuzkoa, Spain) where Creatio, the Group’s Research and Development Centre, is also located.

Products and technology

Sustainable cutting edge buses and coaches with Irizar technology and branding.


Our strategic lines include the development of Irizar branding and technology products and a clear commitment to increasing our technological capacity and industrial diversification.

We offer customers and society high added value by providing cutting edge products and services created and developed through contributions form the entire group. These products and services, aimed at the Premium segment, mark a difference in terms of safety, reliability sustainability, technology and profitability. Design and innovation are part of Irizar’s DNA.

Today Irizar offers a wide array of products and technological solutions ranging from 100% electric buses to hybrid or bio-diesel technology in class II models for urban and inter-city services or conventional buses and coaches. Furthermore, this allows us to cover all segments of public passenger transport including occasional transport and public, urban, inter-city and long distance transport.

Creatio, the Irizar Group Research and Development Centre, enhances the Group’s capacity for applied research and technological development for its products and systems. It combines the synergies and technological capabilities of the Group’s companies and is the result of the Irizar Group’s key strategy of ongoing commitment to industrial innovation.


+Irizar complete coaches

Irizar brand complete coaches and buses are the ultimate representation of our brand. At present, the entire range of complete coaches is available to all customers who want them. Undoubtedly, this represents our clear strategy to grow our brand in Europe and the United States.

+ Hybrid Buses

Irizar has developed this range of products to provide a sustainable response to current and future transport needs in big cities and their surroundings.

Both low entry and high floor with luggage compartment versions of the regional transport vehicles with parallel and class II technology for short and medium haul lines are already on the market.

In addition to improving the environment, these coaches let operators reduce consumption by roughly 20%. Irizar has become the first European company to launch a class II hybrid coach with a luggage compartment on the market.

+ 100% Electric Buses for Cities

The Group is already prepared to provide complete mobility systems: 100% electric buses and all the major infrastructure systems required for charging, drive systems and energy storage, all of which have been designed and manufactured using 100% Group technology and come with the Irizar guarantee and service quality.

Our product range includes autonomous buses, articulated  buses and other electrical vehicles to serve cities.

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Customer loyalty

By and for the customer


The brand is our main asset and an undisputed icon of our strategy aimed at maximising the value of our customers. We can provide you with personalised products and services with high added value. We do it using a strategy based in close, direct relationships to gain trust and ensure satisfaction, while also providing an established project you can put your trust in.

Our ability and flexibility to personalise and adapt to your needs is a strategic factor that sets us apart.

Every day we strive to achieve a position of leadership that gets passed on in benefit of our customers. We work as a team and have staff who is committed to the customer and the Group’s strategy. We promote efficiency, communication, participation, self-management and excellence in management. This is key to our future success.

Design and innovation

The key pillars on which the strength of the Irizar brand is built


Design, innovation and the development of cutting-edge technologies and solutions in our buses and coaches are some of the pillars on which the Irizar brand is built and which form part of our culture and identity.

We are always working towards improving our production plants and the appearance of our facilities as well as on technologies and innovations in our products and services in addition to improving strategy and management, which gives our organisation agility and lets us keep moving forward.

Increasingly intense efforts are aimed at attracting knowledge and talent, thus increasing our capacity to create innovative products and cutting-edge technology.

+ Industrial innovation

Since we began our commitment to the brand and complete products, at Irizar we are working hard on industrial diversification and technology and at the same time we are enhancing the quality and reliability of our products. We are also creating new generations of coaches that are leading the way in innovation to always provide added value in design, aerodynamics, comfort, safety, reliability, profitability for operators, technology and cutting edge systems.

The lines of research we are currently engaged in include new technologies for continuous improvement of our new line of complete buses and coaches and their systems (including electronics, connectivity, safety and autonomy).

+ Digital Innovation

What’s more, we are providing more in terms of safety by offering the Magic Eye, which is a technologically advanced assistance system developed by Datik, an Irizar Group company, that helps minimise the risk of distraction and collision by detecting and anticipating situations using radar and artificial vision technology, making driving safer and more reliable.

The iPanel fleet manager offers the most advanced technology to provide customisable solutions according to the needs of the business model. iPanel services are tailored to be integrated into the customer’s processes, helping them with decision-making in order to optimise the fleet’s performance and profitability.

With our completely personalizable fleet management system, the performance and profitability of every fleet can be optimised, in addition to closely monitoring costs and efficiency and providing safety while driving.

+ Innovation in sustainability

Innovation in sustainability, protecting the environment and preserving the future for generations to come is among our strategic priorities for the future. To those ends, we are immersed in making advancements in energy efficiency, optimising waste treatment in all our companies and reducing the environmental impact caused by our activity and products in order to contribute to improving the health and quality of life for society.

Along these lines, We took a big step in 2011 with the creation of a business area dedicated to electromobility. Currently, Irizar provides complete mobility systems, including 100% electric buses and all the main infrastructure systems needed for charging, drive systems and energy storage, all of which have been designed and manufactured using 100% Group technology and come with the Irizar guarantee and service quality.

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+ Automatic Guidance

Right now we are immersed in the “Dual Transport System Automatic Guidance” project, which is financed through the CIEN programme of CDTI. The goal of this project is to develop technologies that make it possible to automate vehicles for urban and industrial transport applications in order to significantly increase efficiency, safety and sustainability.

Strength and growth

We build trust


Our customer first philosophy and the technological innovation, has made it possible for us to grow in both size and capability and become an established international company that inspires trust.

Our strategy for the future is based in growth in the areas where we are already present, as well as in opening new markets whenever they may generate profits.


The industrial diversification strategy, begun in 2009, has also driven the strengthening and growth of Irizar and the Group, in addition to the creation of wealth and employment.

We combine the synergies generated by our activities to be at the forefront of technology, position ourselves as leaders in innovation, renew and expand our range of products and create new concepts and lines of activity and services that will be echoed by growth in the future. And the recent creation of the new Irizar e-mobility activity is an example of that.

Annual Report

More than 130 years of history
