Huella de carbono web

Irizar Obtains the Calculated and Verified Carbon Footprint for its Activities

March 2022

The Irizar Group’s plant in Ormaiztegi (Gipuzkoa) has obtained the 2020 carbon footprint certificate for its activities, which was verified in 2021.

At Irizar, we remain firmly committed to protecting the environment and climate change by focusing our efforts on prioritising actions that minimise potential impact. In that context, we have done an emissions valuation and calculation that has been verified by the Spanish Office for Climate Change through the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenges.

The carbon footprint for our activity was calculated according to the ISO 14064 guidelines (scope 1, emissions caused by the direct use of fossil fuels and scope 2, CO2 emissions related with the consumption of electricity).

That information is the basis for reducing or, as the case may be, offsetting the emissions produced. We show transparency in regards to greenhouse gases and our commitment to efficient reductions in the future.

Climate change is one of the main challenges we are facing. And at Irizar, we continue to design a road map for the Irizar Group to become a global actor in urban, medium and long distance sustainable transport.

The main actions and initiatives include:

  • Moving forward in making the impact increasingly neutral, focusing efforts on minimising GHG emissions.
  • Investing in high-efficiency and 100% renewable energy so that our plants are supplied with sustainable energy.
  • Make progress with the circular economy model for our products’ life cycles and in our production cycle. We reuse the waste materials and other waste through our IZIR brand and give a second life to batteries for energy storage, together with the power electronics associated with the application.
  • We develop our own sustainable and eco-innovative products and technologies with a holistic approach to minimise environmental impact through the entire life cycle. We carry out life cycle analysis (LCA) of our range of buses and coaches. In 2019, we obtained the first Environmental Product Declaration (The International EPD System), which made us the first company in the sector worldwide to achieve this certification.
  • Efficient use and environmental sustainability of materials are also considered in our design and manufacturing processes.

Sustainability is part of our strategy for the future and a decision-making and daily management factor, in line with the 10 Principles of the Global Compact. We continue to make progress in integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda in our operations as a roadmap for enhancing prosperity for people and the planet.
