Igor Fernandez

Igor Fernandez New General Director of Irizar in the Americas

May 2020


After more than seven years as director of the Irizar Mexico project, this month Igor Fernandez is joining the Management Team of the head offices in Ormaiztegi as the General Director of Irizar in the Americas. The goal is to continue deploying and expanding the products and services provided by the Irizar brand throughout the markets in North and South America from the production plants in Mexico and Brazil.

Born in Eibar, Guipuzcoa in 1981, he earned an Advanced Industrial Engineering degree at the Superior Polytechnic School of Mondragón University and an MBA (Master’s in Business Administration) at the Deusto Business School (DBS). He began his career in the organisation in 2012.

“We’ll continue to provide added value to customers in the strategic lines that define us, like our deep commitment to always remain close to them and adapt and personalise our products and services to meet their needs, which is an aspect I believe to be fundamental. In addition to a commitment to technology, innovation, sustainability and recruiting talent” says Igor Fernandez.

At Irizar, we would like to show our thanks to his dedication and we wish him great professional success. We have no doubt that he will continue along the path of sustainable growth that has been set out upon in Mexico.


Irizar Mexico

Irizar Mexico, which celebrated its 20th anniversary last year, has seen continuous growth and today it is the market leader in bus and coach manufacturing with a market share of over 50%. Over the years it has doubled the area of its production plant and made multiple investments to improve processes and services for its customers. From being a coachwork company, it has become a manufacturer of integral coaches with a total volume of more than 12,000 units. Juan de Dios Gomez, to whom we give welcome and also wish the best, is taking the lead.
