Jema Power Supply for the ISIS project

The British fusion laboratory, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, has assigned Jema the development of a new 400Kw 20KV/20A Power Supply. It is a new system that will be integrated within the international project ISIS.

Now we are starting to develop the first prototype which will be manufactured in the Jema facilities in Lasarte-Oria, Guipuzkoa, and will later be installed and tested in the Dicdot laboratory, in the UK, in early 2015” states Bas Eikelboom, commercial engineer of the Department of Advanced Power Supply Systems in Jema.

This  first  prototype  is  characterised  by  its  complex  design and bespoke manufacture for the British facilities. Later, the laboratory plans to include ten additional units of this Power Supply. This project offers Jema the chance to take part in the prestigious ISIS project.

What is the ISIS project?

ISIS, in the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), is the most productive pulsed neutron source in the world. ISIS produces beams of neutrons and muons which allow scientists to study the materials at atomic level using a series of instruments, often described as “super microscopes”. The international scientific community carries out investigations regarding physics, chemistry, material science, geology, engineering and biology.

Etiquetas: Irizar Group