Irizar’s i2e to the test with the Marseilles RMT
November 2014Following San Sebastian, Barcelona and Madrid, Marseilles will test Irizar’s 100% electric bus during the next two months.
Following San Sebastian, Barcelona and Madrid, Marseilles will test Irizar’s 100% electric bus during the next two months.
Following San Sebastian and Barcelona, Madrid is the third Spanish city to successfully test Irizar’s new i2e electric model.
Once again, we are at Madrid’s International Bus and Coach Fair with a stand measuring more than 2,000 square metres that will become the setting to mark our 125th anniversary with customers, the media, partners and attendees.
The two Irizar i2e buses fully developed with our own technology will become part of the TMB service for a long-term trial period within the ZeEUS project framework. That way Irizar fully complies with the great challenge proposed within the mentioned project.
At a time of great strength and strong growth, Irizar celebrates its 125 years of history today. The event, which took place at its Ormaiztegi head office, was attended by the Lehendakari of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, and the General Deputy of Gipuzkoa, Martin Garitano, as well as other authorities, representatives of the …
El autobús ha sido desarrollado, íntegramente, con la tecnología del Grupo.
Group Irizar ends year 2013 with a new record turnover of 556 million Euros. This growth is the consequence of strength in the Irizar brand and of the other brands forming the group, as well as the trust of our clients. That way Irizar continues its consolidation as one of the most important worldwide references …
El acto de entrega contó con la presencia del Consejero de Transportes, Infraestructuras y Vivienda de la Comunidad de Madrid, D. Pablo Cavero, así como otras personalidades políticas. El pasado 29 de Enero, en un acto celebrado en Colmenarejo, se presentaron los cinco nuevos autocares interurbanos adquiridos por el cliente Julián de Castro. Se …