Expoforo, México
2016ko otsailaAurreko urteetan bezala, Irizar Mexikoko Expo Foro azokan izango da urtarrilaren 2tik 4ra bitartean. Horrela, markak merkatu mexikarrarekiko duen konpromisoa berresten du.
Aurreko urteetan bezala, Irizar Mexikoko Expo Foro azokan izango da urtarrilaren 2tik 4ra bitartean. Horrela, markak merkatu mexikarrarekiko duen konpromisoa berresten du.
Irizar, the Basque company which designs and manufactures buses and coaches, will sponsor the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns to be held in the Basque Country from 27 to 29 April 2016. The involvement of Irizar in this event highlights the commitment of the private sector to sustainable urban development and the …
Around 100 Irizar UK’s clients assisted to the presentation of the Irizar i8 at the premises of Irizar in Ormaiztegi. The attendees take pleasure in the new Irizar i8, as well as a visit of Irizar HQ’s production plant. The journey finished with a pleasant dinner in the capital of Gipuzkoa, after a guided tour of …
2016 starts with two awards for Irizar Group. The recently launched Irizar i8 coach and the 100% electric city bus receive the 2016 Spanish Coach of the Year and recently created 2016 Environmentally Friendly Industrial Vehicle of the Year Awards
Irizar, a world leader in the manufacture of electric buses and coaches, will be attending the USA’s leading trade fair for the sector for the first time. Irizar arrives in the USA with a strategy to position itself as a premium brand in the coach market, a goal it will aim to achieve with the support …
Irizar, a world leader in the manufacture of electric buses and coaches, will be attending the USA’s leading trade fair for the sector for the first time. Irizar arrives in the USA with a strategy to position itself as a premium brand in the coach market, a goal it will aim to achieve with the support …
The Irizar i2e, an electric bus from the Irizar Group, has been presented in the city of Paris by the RATP (the largest public transport group in France) in an official event encompassed within the COP21 Bus Summit.
El Irizar i2e, autobús eléctrico del Grupo Irizar, ha sido presentado en la ciudad de Paris por la RATP (el mayor Grupo de Transporte Público de Francia) en un acto oficial que se enmarca dentro de la Cumbre Bus COP21.