
8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns (ICLEI)

April 2016

Irizar has participated in the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns, an international meeting organised by ICLEI – Network of Local Governments for Sustainability, the Basque Government, Bizkaia Provincial Council and Bilbao City Council, with the involvement of Udalsarea 21 (Basque Network of Municipalities for Sustainability), held between 27 and 29 April in Bilbao.

This participation is a further step in the commitment to sustainable mobility in the development of innovative energy efficiency projects in urban environments and promotes the public-private partnership model for sustainable urban development.

An Irizar i2e will transport the conference attendees around the city of Bilbao over the conference period and will be on display at the main entrance of the Euskalduna Palace during the middle of the day.
